Friday, July 26, 2013

The Completion of Digitization!

It’s been a long haul, but the day has finally come: digitization of the CMC Herbarium is fully complete! I am glad that I was here to see the end of this massive project, but there were many who came before me who made this possible. Thanks must go out to Dr. Monfils, Michael Giddens of SilverImage technology, Adriane, Emilie, Sascha, David, Heather, and everyone else who has worked tirelessly so that we could reach this point. It feels good to be done, albeit surreal, and it will feel even better once all of the high-resolution photos are pushed onto the online database for everyone to enjoy and use. I hope that the CMC Herbarium’s efforts will in turn aid the research and learning at other Universities and Herbaria, big and small.

It’s been too long since I blogged, so beyond the epic completion of digitization, much has happened. A few weeks ago myself, Heather, David, and some of CMU’s BUMP students volunteered to help the Chippewa Nature Center with their annual Chippewa River cleanup. It was fun racing each other in our canoes to see who could spot and pick up the most garbage—and it was shocking not only how many tires we found (about six!), but also how many tires one canoe can hold without missing a beat. In addition to the river cleanup, I found this epically cool Boxelder (now Acer negundo var. negundo L.) from 1878. Look at that beautiful handwriting!

 "Sapindaceae, Soapberry Family. Negundo aceroides. Ash-leaved Maple, or Box Elder."

"By Father Pierce's side gate. 1878 Ypsilanti Mich."

I also created a “Master List of Species” spreadsheet based on our pre-organization databases. Now we have a (mostly) accurate estimate of how many of each species are in our collection. In addition, there were four shelves of “Ask Anna” specimens to contend with. These were specimens that had strange problems, and so had been pulled during the organization process to be dealt with at a later date. They had such maladies as multiple accession numbers, no collection data, or sometimes no specimen attached to the mounting at all. There was also what was clearly a mullein but had been identified as a skunk cabbage. I still haven’t figured that one out. One by one I figured out how to fix what I could on my own, and consulted with Anna concerning the rest. I then accessioned, name verified, annotated, databased, barcoded, digitized, organized, and filed them with their brother and sister specimens. I have also finished writing and compiling a detailed binder of CMC Herbarium protocols, which Sascha had begun before leaving for her adventures in England.

Hillary and Rachel trying to get work done amongst the carnage of "Ask Anna" specimens

Finally, I have been working mostly on aesthetics. I myself am not trained in mounting, so I have begun making the Herbarium look pretty and organized. This includes proper cabinet labels (goodbye sticky notes…you have served us well!), detailed cabinet contents sheets, and most importantly, replacing the old, scribbly specimen folders with dual-layered, properly labeled genus and species folders. I will also be double-checking organization as I go. Hopefully soon we will be getting fancy internal shelf labels. For now, the faithful sticky notes and the outer cabinet content sheets will have to do.

 My attempts to neaten up the Herbarium labels. Unfortunately I'm still working on devising a way to prevent wrinkling. They also start out perfectly flat when I put them up and somehow attempt contortions over time...

Until next we rendezvous through words,
Abigail H.

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