Friday, June 29, 2012

Cabinet 1 is looking better everyday!

Hello plant lovers,

The past couple of weeks, I have been focusing on cataloging (or entrying data), annotating and organizing all of Cabinet 1! As mentioned before, our collection is being organized according to the the Edward G. Voss’ Michigan Flora 2nd edition which contains 3 volumes. However, these books do not include ferns and allies, therefore; we are organizing our fern cabinet according to the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III System (

Along our collection, we encounter different collored folders and specimens that need to be foldered correctly.

Did you know that there is a right way of foldering specimens in an Herbarium? Everything is well thought in the Herbaria world!

First we must have a genus folder:

Genus Folder (It is thicker than the rest)

Then, foldered in the opposite direction and inside the genus folder, we must have a species folder!

Genus and species folders are in opposite directions

Specimens Foldered correctly


This way the specimens are protected against external damage and are more easily to be handed!

Here is how cabinet 1 is looking like after we foldered all the specimens and labeled all the folders!

There is more room for improvement here, but I can help on feeling very well about this! I can't wait to have all of our 14 cabinets looking like this one!

Thank you!


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